You’ve made the vows, drank the champagne, and honeymooned on some tropic isle—what more is there to do?! Actually, there is real life after the plane ride home. Here are 6 things to add to (or begin) your honey-do list that you might have forgotten about. You’re welcome.
Tie up the loose ends of the wedding knot
The wedding isn’t over just yet! Remember all those waffle irons in the corner of your bedroom and the cake frosting that got smeared on your ball gown? Tie up some of the loose end like registry returns and gown cleaning. Most stores are pretty lenient when it comes to newlyweds and gift returns, but it is much easier to return those ugly candle holders sooner than later. Organize the gifts into piles by store, then devote an entire Saturday afternoon to making the returns. The best part is getting the store credit or money and buying what you actually registered for.
The gown fit for a princess deserves the royal treatment after the big day! Take your dress to a dry cleaner who specializes in wedding dress preservation. Get it cleaned and stuffed with non-toxic paper so that it will hold its shape. Place it in a box and store in a cool, dry place. Remember—the sooner you take it for cleaning, the more likely any stains can be removed.
Write the thank you notes
The biggest loose end to take care of is writing the dreaded thank you notes. If you were a good little bride and wrote notes as you received gifts, you simply have to get the stamps and send them off. But most likely, you’ve put off writing most of the notes until after wedded bliss (and honestly, most of the presents came on the wedding day anyways!). Try to recruit your new hubby to write the notes for his side—or at least get him to sign his name on the card. Make a daily goal of how many notes you’ll write, and turn on your favorite reality TV show. It’s gonna take a while.
Change your name
Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs….? If you have decided to take your husband’s name, you’ll need to deal with all the proper people. Make sure you have your marriage certificate though, because everyone wants to see it! Start out with the Social Security office—they’re the basis of everything else. Fill out the form online, then send it off or take it to your local office. You’ll receive a new card with your new name in a week or so. Next, take care of your driver’s license at the DMV. After that, call your bank, credit card companies, and change your name at school (if you are still enrolled). That should cover most of your bases, but you may have to contact companies and businesses as the need arises.
Figure out finances
Speaking of your bank, now is the time for some serious talks between you and your new hubby. It doesn’t have to be scary, just serious. Finances are one of the most important aspects of a marriage: marriage is not only an emotional and physical union, but a financial one as well. Be completely open with your spouse about your financial situation, and expect the same from him. Figure out what bank or credit union you two will bank with, and what accounts need to moved, closed, or changed in some way. Sit down and plan out a monthly budget and how you will keep track of expenditures—a Google Doc or other shared spreadsheet works well for this. Simply staying accountable to each other will hopefully help you both stay on budget.
Iron out your insurance
Don’t you hate it when you get pulled over in your spouse’s car, and your name isn’t on the insurance? Me too. Avoid this by getting your name on the insurance now. In fact, check with both of your insurance providers to see if combining your insurance policies will save you money—usually, it will. Also be sure to put each other’s names on any other insurance policies you may have, be it house, boat, or motorcycle insurance. Now that you’re married, it might be time to look at buying life insurance. Life insurance will protect your future family should something happen to you or your spouse. If you already have a life insurance plan, make sure to add your spouse as a beneficiary. In addition to life insurance, prepare for the future by drawing up a will with a lawyer. Wills can be updated and changed as the years go on, but it’s always smart to have a basic one created and on the books.
Have a little fun together
Just because the honeymoon is over doesn’t mean the newlywed magic has to die! Keep up your sweet romance by continuing to create special moments together. Even though the crazy schedules of life have taken over again, carve out time just for the two of you. Have a weekly date night. Make his favorite meal as a delicious surprise after a long workday. Your relationship is more important now that you’re married than it was when you were dating, so spend just as much time nurturing and developing it.
Even though these to-dos are a lot less exciting than the wedding, checking these items off the list will give you more time to enjoy each other and move forward in your marriage. Congratulations and best wishes to you both!